How To Setup & Share Your Custom Notary Hub URLs

Applies to: Resellers

NotaryHub Team

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

The custom Notary Hub URLs are a key component to you receiving your commissions for reselling the Notary Hub platform. Read on to learn about how to set them up and utilize them to their full potential

How To Setup Your Custom URLs

To access the custom URL setup from your dashboard, navigate to your profile page via your profile icon in top right corner.

Scroll down until you see the section with “My Notary Hub URLs/Shareable Commission Credit URLs”

This is where you can set up your custom URLs to track your sales/commissions earned from you or your reseller team, by inviting notaries to join the platform:

Your custom/shareable link is editable at the end of the URL and will show where “customize this text” is.

This is your unique link to share with your notary clients, so try to make it something meaningful to you for your reference. What you enter as the name will be for your internal organization (to track how your URLs/sales funnels are performing) and what will create the direct path to you (so we can pay you your commissions!) So not only is it how we know which reseller is owed commissions, but it's for you to know where your sales are coming from; you can track each URLs performance to see which sales funnel is bringing in the most/least revenue.

**It is highly recommended that you complete your account setup steps before anything else, so you can be on your way to earning your Fast Track Bonus of $500!!**

How to Share Your Custom Notary Hub URLs

To share the custom URLs you set up, it's as simple as placing the URL on your website, social media, email signature, Google Ads, etc... Pretty much anywhere you advertise your services.

You can also simply copy & paste the URL in a direct message to your potential notary customers. When they click on your link, any purchases they make will be traced back to you and your reseller account.

To learn more about how the commissions are paid out see our article explaining the process: Reseller Commissions - How to Get Paid

We hope you find this article helpful in your account setup process, but you can always contact support should you have any questions:

Notary Hub Customer Support: 1-888-307-1001

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